Ratten Reich is a grim and unforgiving world, where war has continued for many years. The war is fought between rats, mice, roaches and lizards alike. Slum like cities, burnt corpses, steam tanks, soldiers in imperial uniforms and armor... And the soil, the mother of all, full of bomb craters and battle scars. Millions upon millions of fates, dreams - nothing more than ashes from the fires now... This is the story we are trying to tell in an RTS game with interesting and unusual mechanics. The Tzar army of roaches, monitor lizards, dozens of mice led countries under the flags of the great Franx and Angul will clash against the might of the Ratten Reich in an alliance with the lizards, who live in the land of the rising sun. This is Ratten Reich.
Army of "Foggy Albion" Corps - "snowflake". Army of "Foggy Albion" - this is an elite troops formed during the great turmoil, when there was a conflict between the rat Reich and the kingdom of cockroaches. The main theater of operations was the north-eastern front. In those days, this army was ruled by a country inside the rat Reich, which was called - Foggy Albion. These divisions were trained for war in the harsh northern conditions. They were supplied with the best weapons. After the end of the war with the cockroaches, she became part of the Ost-West army, as there was a need for all rat resources during the Great War.
Army "Ost-West". The "Pain" stormtrooper corps.
There are about 35 such corps for the entire Ost-West Army. Each building has 7 links. Father-in-law of 7 thousand soldiers. These corps are attached to the hottest points of the front, as well as to those places where battles for cities are taking place. 35 Corps of Pain, tacitly called the army of Nemesis.
New character in the game.
Beautiful women are in perfect harmony with our worlds and the game universe. And we're happy to add more and more female characters in elegant uniforms.
Dear friends, The time has come for our first official update since the end of the Kickstarter campaign. We have decided to level up our game regarding modeling and the making of concepts. We would also like to share the lore that is being developed. So, without further interruption, let's begin. First of all we would like to share the concept art for the Rat armies; that being the Desert version and the main one. We have came to the conclusion, that concepts should be re-drawn with more attention to detail. On this concept we see a soldier of the Rat army from the Desert corp, he will be seen in the games extra campaign "Desert Front". This is a unit of the Colonial Empire and we want his ammunition to be not only good looking but also useful. We want it to keep the general vibe and not look distasteful. Let's continue on with the concept of the Trooper from the main army. This will be the most common unit in the main campaign. OST/West army soldier. As previously mentioned we chose to upgrade the texture quality because we have the resources to do so. We present to you the steam troop support vehicle for the Rat Army "Optimus 01". This is brought to life by the KUFF factory. We hope that this level of quality will be in line with modern day RTS standards.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdSjPtmIOrs&t=39s Time 3.04
Good evening, I would like to share with you that we were able to get to the respected and beloved Igromania. Thank you so much for adding us and inviting us.
Добрый вечер хотелось бы поделиться с вами тем ,что мы смогли попасть к уважаемой и любимой Игромании. Огромное Спасибо ,что добавили нас и пригласили.
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1208826151 Time 6.17.00
Новый #подкаст@xyz_gamedev. Поговорили с разработчиками стратегии в реальном времени Ratten Reich. Обсудили, как провести успешную компанию на кикстартере, сложно ли быть СЕО в 20 лет, а также нелегкие обязанности техлида в инди-студии. Наши гости Остап и Михаил также рассказали, как придумывали ЛОР игры, о киллер-фичах проекта и зачем в RTS режим игры от первого лица.
iTunes — https://apple.co/2X3kLSH
Я.Музыка — https://bit.ly/2V25w7Q
Другие платформы: https://anchor.fm/xyz-media-podcast
Если вы хотите начать учиться и попасть в геймдев, но не знаете, с чего начать:
- Бесплатный курс «Введение в игровую индустрию» — https://bit.ly/3CIhTdN
- Годовая программа «Инди-разработчик» — https://bit.ly/3jZtCxg
- Курс «Продюсирование игр» — https://bit.ly/3BJY2ts // Если сомневаешься проходить ли этот курс можешь попробовать бесплатное интро — https://bit.ly/3nRuSUu
По промокоду PODCAST — скидка 10%
1:03 Старт
1:29 Гости рассказывают о себе
2:41 Сколько человек в команде проекта и как понять, что ваш проект — инди
4:53 Текучка кадров в независимых студиях
8:21 Какого быть СЕО студии в 20 лет
10:38 Как, почему и зачем Тик-Ток помогает молодым разработчикам развивать свои проекты
12:29 О поддержке проекта от Nvidia
13:09 Об использовании аутсорса при работе над проектом
13:52 У ребят есть открытые вакансии, если интересно какие — мотайте сюда
14:54 В каком темпе работают над проектом
17:43 Зачем нужна road map проекта
20:19 Успешный проект с небольшим опытом — реальность
24:13 Как начинается разработка проекта
25:30 СЕО проекта из Беларуси, но учился в Австрии — на кого и как так вышло
27:30 У техлида Ratten Reich диплом модельера, но он работает в геймдеве — почему и как стал разработчиком игр
29:51 Говорим о проекте гостей
33:29 Почему такой необычный сеттинг
37:28 О параллелях игровых фракций и реальных государств
38:51 Как сделать сеттинг достоверней
41:50 Как заимствовать идеи для лора и нарратива из аниме, других игровых вселенных и прочего
45:51 Килер фичи игры
53:31 Как в RTS добавить возможность играть от первого лица
56:13 Как показать ужасы войны с помощью мэшей и снижения полигонов на модельках (геймдизайнеры, записывайте)
57:51 О реализации биологического оружия в RTS
1:01:23 Техническая реализация FPS режима
1:05:09 О масштабах проекта
1:09:34 Как собрать на кикстартере много денег (93к евро)
1:11:49 Советы от ребят из Raten Reich тем кто хочет сделать свою игру
1:13:39 Любимые игры, фильмы, книги (что вдохновляет)
Список медиа
Ссылки от гостей: Discord сервер разработчиков Ratten Reich; там инсайды, общение и некоторые интересности про разработку — https://bit.ly/3q36mCA, Поддержка Ratten Reich — https://bit.ly/3pZn6dR, Предзаказать можете в Steam — https://bit.ly/3BCLunD, Актуальные новости студии и проекта также постят в паблике ВК, там же можно задать вопросы разработчикам —https://vk.com/rattenreich
Играть: Hotline Miami I & II (4:26), Will And Reason — TBA (7:48), Vallheim (18:18), Ratten Reich: Dance of Kings (23:54), Dishonored (32:44), Iron Harvest (42:11), Man of War (46:43), Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War (53:37), Call To Arms (53:58), Hearts of Iron (59:44), Warcraft 3 (1:08:09), Escape From Tarkov (1:12:56), Losted — TBA (1:13:12), Russian Hard — TBA (1:13:23), серия игр Company of Heroes (1:15:09)
Читать: «Dishonored. Скрытый ужас» Кристофера Адама (32:44), «Маус» Арта Шпигельмана (40:51), «Прощай Оружие» Эрнеста Хемингуэя и «На западном фронте без перемен» Эрих-Мария Ремарка (1:13:40)
Смотреть: Avatar: The Last Airbender (41:43), Berserk и Evangelion (42:26), Steam Boy (1:14:09), Fullmetal Alchemist (1:15:57)
- Участники: Михаил Киселев, Остап Поляков, Никита Журавель, Софья Мягкова
- Монтаж: Никита Журавель
- Автор музыки в заставке Алексей Александрович: https://vk.com/id367529352
We are on IGN
Get a look at combat and more in this trailer for Ratten Reich, an upcoming Dieselpunk real-time strategy game that transports you to a world in which a war is being fought among anthropomorphic rats, mice, lizards, and roaches.
A monstrous technique in the game, in this example there are 2 tanks, 1 of them are exclusive, but the other is available to everyone, although it is written exclusive.
Huge vehicles will be available in game missions and some battles.
And Dear friends,we have unlocked our Second Stretch Goal: Skirmish! In celebrating this latest achievement, we would like to tell you a little bit more about it. Skirmish allows you to personally choose cards, enemies, allies, combinations, and offers better re-playability. You can also customize the parameters of battle, such as weather conditions, map size, difficulty time, and more!
If you like this theme and the concept of the game itself, we advise you to subscribe to us)
Love Ratten Reich
At the beginning of the Kickstarter campaign, we weren't quite ready to reveal 2 factions conceptually. Now, we are proud to show you the art behind these two groups! Let's start with the Empire of the Rising Sun.
actions with huge ambitions - like blending new weapons with old armor - has led to the Empire of the Rising Sun to become leaders in melee combat. They can often be found roaming cities and forests.
The Red Dragon, in turn, does not possess the same variety. However, once the FMR joins their military company, they will receive the help they need in developing their own firearms, tanks, and artillery supply.
The war in Asia, and Rise of the Sakura, showed the world a true, catastrophic war. With millions lost and countless, broken destinies left behind, this horror is what will ultimately unite all continents. The Great Dragon awakens.
Dear friends, we’re excited to let you know that we reached our initial Kickstarter Goal which guarantees that the game will be developed by us. Now we’re on the mission to unlock new content by reaching a new stretch goals. Thank you all very much! We also would like to let you know that in our game there’re going to be plenty of female characters. Towards the end of the campaign we will also show machinery and a new units from the game. https://crytivo.io/rt-ks
My name is Ostap , I am one of the developer working on Ratten Reich as well as CEO of the company. We are happy to announce that we officially reached almost 50% of our goal! We are so excited about the future and we are extremely grateful for all of your support. Thank you a lot! Because we reached almost half of our goal, we would like to make one more announcement. In the last couple of days we received an overwhelming amount of requests to have FPS view in the game. We love our new community and all the fans and we decided to add FPS modification to the game that a lot of you really would love to see. In our RTS game we will provide an option to play from a First person view but at the same time, we will keep all the balance and the spirit of RTS game. For example, you will be able to control the tank from First Person View or play as one of the soldiers from your squad. You still will have all the control from RTS game, but at any point of time, you will be able to switch to FPS and have some fun playing as a soldier. Once again, we are extremely happy to see all the feedback and support that you provide and we will do our best to bring you something new and exciting in terms of gameplay. Thank you and make sure to join our discord and share your thoughts and suggests there as
The Ratten Reich. It is a giant empire that consists of little duchies all of which are united under the flag of the Emperor. This is a country that has delved into science and technology research for decades. The progress of science gave an explosive mixture of steam and diesel punk in the army and the everyday life of rats. The colonial power, which in the last 25 years has grown from oppressed small countries, into a powerful empire with interests around the world and the most powerful land army. The world of the empire is grim to the core. The buildup of military power and the development of light and heavy industry turned cities into smoky and dark places that pour black rains, every man is doomed to take part in the coming war, and women can only wait. Technology gives a lot, but it takes just as much... Monolithic structures, old European houses and slum-like districts, all this is everyday life in the Ratten Reich. The regular army of rats has 13 million soldiers in the pre-war period; in the first years of the war, this figure tripled.
FMR A conclave of 38 countries in which the two strongest empires, Franx and Angul, have supremacy. Both empires wage an internal struggle for power and influence over the small countries. Trade coalitions, lavish and luxurious scores, nobles and feudal lords, counts, princes and princesses, this is one side of the FMR and it is pretty small. The poverty of the districts of ordinary residents, lacking health care system and high crime, the diversity of the army and lack of equipment, bribery and corruption, this is the rotten core of this union. Many small countries have longed for a way out of the union, poverty and hunger sometimes reaches the point that uprisings and riots break out, however, this union should not be underestimated. Leadership in trade and the fight against piracy has made it a leader at sea. The strength of the fleet of mice is dozens of times superior to that of the rat and two times more powerful than the rats allies – Empire of the sun. Even though the army is diverse, it numbers 8 million, and let me remind you, that the tanks were invented by mice. Their allies are cockroaches, this is something to be reckoned with.
Empire of steampunk and steampunk only. Cockroaches, led by the Tsar, pose the greatest threat to all who offend them, millions of soldiers and thousands upon thousands of guns, armed and ready. The most closed empire of all, and of course the most resistant to frost and natural disasters.
An island nation under the emperors command. Agama lizards are close friends and associates of rats and are one of the main players at sea and naval construction in the world. They build ships for rats in exchange for more sophisticated technologies or weapons. For a long time, this country dominated the islands, but now it has decided to begin expansion on lands that are not surrounded by the sea on all sides. Monitor lizards became their goal and for 6 years now, a war of destruction is being waged, this was the reason for the mice to enter the war and they took the side of the monitor lizards, and the rats supported the agama lizards. An old empire that is trying to live up to the standards of the new world, and is giving it’s all to go to war.
For the last 6 years, a huge country torn by civil wars and famine has been waging a vigorous struggle against the agamas. Enlisting the support of the mice, the monitor lizards try to stop waging war with each other and resist the expansion of the invaders. Technology is just beginning to move into the contemporary era. Failure to build and produce weapons in the proper quantity, forced them to accept almost unwillingly the allies help in exchange for resources and land in the future. However, the giant is awakening from it's slumber and who knows how will this turn out for the rest of the world.
Why We Chose Kickstarter
We are not solely pursuing our indie game dream project, but we also wish to return RTS as a major presence in the game world. We have accepted the challenge of creating the best possible indie RTS and, in order to do so, we need the public's help to release this masterpiece of our imagination. Kickstarter will allow us to make updates and receive critical feedback from our supporters which is exactly what we need to make this game grand.
About Us
We are an Eastern European indie studio consisting of more than 20 team members. For a long time, we worked in various studios and were engaged in many different projects until we decided to make our own game. Our team has a great deal of skills and are specialists in several fields: from music and graphics, to programming and scripting. We are huge fans of RTS games and, through Unreal Engine 4, we are developing Ratten Reich as a homage to history with a flare for the unusual.
We want to tell you, dear friends, that we are going to kickstarter on the 1st of September. We will be glad to your attention.
Most of the game will be devoted to trenches, since, in our opinion, this is an interesting topic that is not covered in strategies.
There will also be many special soldiers in the game, these are overgrown soldiers or stormtrooper soldiers clad in armor.
An example of a soldier in armor> BERSERK <, created against shrapnel and submachine guns, is used in the city and in narrow places.
In addition, rats are used by female soldiers due to labor shortages at the end of the war.
The armament in the game is a huge amount of small arms, and machine guns, gas or flamethrowers, mines and a huge number of grenades as well as tanks and artillery. All types of weapons are converted to their design and are mixtures of different eras.
The Ratten Reich. It is a giant empire that consists of little duchies all of which are united under the flag of the Emperor. This is a country that has delved into science and technology research for decades. The progress of science gave an explosive mixture of steam and diesel punk in the army and the everyday life of rats. The colonial power, which in the last 25 years has grown from oppressed small countries, into a powerful empire with interests around the world and the most powerful land army. The world of the empire is grim to the core. The buildup of military power and the development of light and heavy industry turned cities into smoky and dark places that pour black rains, every man is doomed to take part in the coming war, and women can only wait. Technology gives a lot, but it takes just as much... Monolithic structures, old European houses and slum-like districts, all this is everyday life in the Ratten Reich. The regular army of rats has 13 million soldiers in the pre-war period; in the first years of the war, this figure tripled.
FMR A conclave of 38 countries in which the two strongest empires, Franx and Angul, have supremacy. Both empires wage an internal struggle for power and influence over the small countries. Trade coalitions, lavish and luxurious scores, nobles and feudal lords, counts, princes and princesses, this is one side of the FMR and it is pretty small. The poverty of the districts of ordinary residents, lacking health care system and high crime, the diversity of the army and lack of equipment, bribery and corruption, this is the rotten core of this union. Many small countries have longed for a way out of the union, poverty and hunger sometimes reaches the point that uprisings and riots break out, however, this union should not be underestimated. Leadership in trade and the fight against piracy has made it a leader at sea. The strength of the fleet of mice is dozens of times superior to that of the rat and two times more powerful than the rats allies – Empire of the sun. Even though the army is diverse, it numbers 8 million, and let me remind you, that the tanks were invented by mice. Their allies are cockroaches, this is something to be reckoned with.
Empire of steampunk and steampunk only. Cockroaches, led by the Tsar, pose the greatest threat to all who offend them, millions of soldiers and thousands upon thousands of guns, armed and ready. The most closed empire of all, and of course the most resistant to frost and natural disasters.
Our task is to show the drama of this world and convey the fragility of the fate of ordinary soldiers of the world.